
Thursday 5 December 2013

Day 5: Cape to Cape Hiking Trail

Day 5 - Deepdene to Cape Leeuwin Lighthouse ~17.5km

The last day was fairly straight forward, a 17km sprint to the end. The day started with clear skies, but it later became very evident that I was going to get very wet. It was a scramble getting my poncho on, I was walking in zig zags along the beach fighting the wind and sinking into the sand after every step. Eventually I came across a huge pole sticking out the sand, which I mistakenly presumed as a marker. I saw no exit off the beach and thought I missed it, so I bush bashed my way up and saw a 4WD track. I made my way onto it and followed it for around half an hour before things started to not feel right, I was not going in the right direction. After some deliberation I decided to head back and got back to the beach. By this time I was incredibly frustrated, cold, wet and hungry. I couldn't stop for food because I was so cold and needed to keep walking in order to stay warm. Eventually I found the right track and I smashed my way to the Cape Leeuwin lighthouse. From there I hitch hiked a ride to Augusta and caught a bus to Dunsborough and a taxi to the lighthouse I started at. The taxi was around $25 and the bus ticket $16 for anyone interested.

Not many pictures today due to the rain. 

Rainbow amongst the storm

More soft sand as I approach the rain

Message in a bottle?

Still wet from the walk, stoked to be finished, waiting for a ride into Augusta.

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